Seoul Time Zone: Explore Time, Daylight Savings, and More
Current Local Time in Seoul
As of now, the current local time in Seoul is 13 hours ahead of New York City (EST) and 14 hours ahead of New York City during daylight saving time (EDT).
Time Zone Information
South Korea observes Korea Standard Time (KST), which is UTC+9 throughout the year. Unlike many countries, South Korea does not observe daylight saving time.
Time Converters
To convert the time in Seoul to your local time, you can use an online time converter. Simply enter the current time in Seoul (KST) and select your location to see the equivalent time in your time zone.
Daylight Saving Time (DST)
South Korea has not observed daylight saving time since 1961. This means that the time in Seoul remains the same throughout the year.
Future Time Adjustments
There are currently no known plans to change the time zone or daylight saving time regulations in South Korea.